10. September
Julie Courcier Delafontaine | City of Neuchâtel, Yves Flückiger | Swiss academies of arts and sciences
Will AI end scicomm and democracy?
Lê Nguyên Hoang | CEO of the cybersecurity company Calicarpa
- Keynote (Ω)
Networking Session
Aula Foyer
Break with coffee
Talks I
- Talk Session (Ω)
- parallel session
How should society deal with AI? A simulation game to bring science into the debate
Janik Mutter | Reatch, Daniel Saraga | Saraga Communications
- Workshop
- parallel session
Exploring AI for Science Communication
Mirko Bischofberger | Science Studios GmbH
- Workshop
- parallel session
L’IA au coeur des institutions scientifiques et culturelles : vers de nouvelles expériences ?
Réseau Romand Science et Cité
- Interactive
- parallel session
Talks II
- Talk Session (Ω)
- parallel session
KI oder real? (Generative) KI-Kompetenz reflektieren und beruflich anwenden.
Dr. Sabrina Heike Kessler | University of Zurich & Swiss Young Academy, Valery Wyss | Zurich University of Applied Sciences
- Workshop
- parallel session
Role and Responsibility of AI Scientists and Communicators in Engaging with the Public
Emmanuel Senft | IDIAP Research Institut & Swiss Young Academy, Pamela Delgado | HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland & Swiss Young Academy
- Workshop
- parallel session
Cinéma Artificiel - Using Generative AI for Video-Generation
Karpi (Patrick Karpiczenko) | Author, director and comedian
- Workshop
- parallel session
Break with coffee
Brave new world – Comment construire des sociétés numériques décentes, résilientes et démocratiques ?
Moderation Sarah Bütikofer | Member of the Board of Trustees Science et Cité
- Podium (Ω)
Closing words and thanks
Aula Foyer